Christian Simmons, writer and researcher for RetireGuide
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    Christian Simmons

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  • Published: June 26, 2023
  • Updated: March 7, 2025
  • 8 min read time
  • This page features 4 Cited Research Articles
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APA Simmons, C. (2025, March 7). Are Annuities a Good Investment? Retrieved March 10, 2025, from

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Chicago Simmons, Christian. "Are Annuities a Good Investment?" Last modified March 7, 2025.

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Key Takeaways
  • Since they protect your principal while providing a reliable income source, annuities can be a smart investment if you’re a retiree looking to supplement your Social Security income.
  • Annuities are better suited for long-term planning and require consideration of payout terms, potential principal growth and payment options to find the right fit.
  • Annuity alternatives like bonds, real estate, CDs and dividend-paying stocks can make better sense in some situations.

An annuity is essentially a contract between you and an insurance company. This financial vehicle is designed to provide a fixed, guaranteed stream of income. 

You pay the insurance company a premium, either all at once or as regular monthly installments, in return for a future monthly payout. You can customize your annuity with riders to make it fit your particular needs and circumstances.

Annuities can be fixed or variable. Fixed annuities detail a specific monthly payout amount, while the payout from variable annuities might fluctuate due to market conditions. 

Annuities are also categorized by when they begin to pay out. Immediate annuities start right away, while deferred annuities start at a pre-defined later date.

Is Investing In Annuities A Wise Decision?

Annuities provide you with regular income, which makes them a smart choice when planning for your retirement. Although many people rely on Social Security for all their financial needs in retirement,  Social Security is only intended to supplement your retirement income, not replace it.

Unfortunately, for 39% of men and 44% of women, Social Security represents 50% or more of their retirement income, according to the Social Security Administration.

An annuity can be a good part of a long-term plan, but it isn’t generally considered a wise short-term investment strategy. It’s important to assess your financial goals when crafting a financial plan that will lead to a comfortable retirement. 

Those goals, along with your level of risk tolerance and your personal circumstances, will help you decide if an annuity should be part of your retirement portfolio. Consider consulting with a financial advisor to examine your financial needs so you can properly set your priorities.

Annuities can be a great option for generating income in retirement, but it’s important to understand the tradeoffs. With an annuity, you give up some opportunity for growth in exchange for a guaranteed monthly payment.

How Annuities Can Benefit Your Retirement

The main benefit of buying an annuity is that it guarantees a regular income, which can also make it a good choice for diversifying your retirement portfolio. Annuities can also help you combat inflation, defer taxes and provide a death benefit for your beneficiaries. In addition, less volatile than equity investments like stocks, an annuity can provide you with security and peace of mind. 

Guaranteed Income For Life

An annuity contract can last for decades, which means you will always have a source of income during your retirement. Regardless of the market performance of your other retirement investments, your annuity income will continue to provide long-term security.

Tax-Deferred Growth

Annuities can grow tax-deferred. You won’t have to pay tax on your interest earnings until you begin to withdraw from them, at which point they are taxed as ordinary income. Contrary to a 401(k) or IRA, an annuity has no contribution limit.

Can you roll your IRA or 401(k) into an annuity?

Protection From Market Volatility

The income provided by most annuities is not subject to the fluctuation of the stock market. For instance, for an annuity with a fixed payout, the insurance company takes on the risk of poor market performance instead of you. Knowing exactly how much you’ll receive can help you build a solid retirement plan.

Protecting Your Beneficiaries

You can enhance your annuity with a death benefit rider, leaving behind a larger lump sum for your beneficiaries. That way your beneficiaries will be more secure and have help paying any taxes potentially owed on your estate.


How soon are you retiring?


What is your goal for purchasing an annuity?

Select all that apply

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Potential Drawbacks Of Annuities

Like every financial vehicle, annuities have some disadvantages. For example, they limit your access to the funds and come with opportunity costs. They also come with associated fees and charges, and inflation can impact your modest returns.


Fees And Commissions

All investments have associated fees and charges; annuities are no exception. They also have surrender penalties, which can diminish your returns and leave you with less than you may have hoped for.

Limited Access to Funds

Annuities are considered illiquid investments, which means you typically cannot easily access the money they contain outside the pre-set limits. Additionally, the funds you spend to purchase an annuity might reduce your ability to invest in other potentially more rewarding opportunities.

Inflation And Other Risks

The returns on an annuity are generally modest. They are meant to be safe investments, so earnings are correspondingly small. There’s a chance that those smaller returns may not be able to keep up with the pace of inflation in the future. 

There is also the extremely rare risk that something might happen to the insurance company providing the annuity. If that happens, you might lose your premiums without receiving any of the payouts.

Is an Annuity Right for You?

If you’re looking for a way to ensure you don’t run out of money during your retirement, investing in an annuity might be a good choice. The returns on an annuity can be modest, but the guaranteed income (and tax-deferred growth) can ensure you don’t outlive your savings.

Annuities can also help you pay for the cost of long-term care, which the majority of Americans over 65 will need at some point.

When you choose to purchase an annuity, you’ll have to make some choices about how you want it to pay out, grow and more.

Factors To Consider Before Investing in Annuities
When and How Long You Receive Annuity Payments
With an immediate annuity, your payout begins right away, while a deferred annuity pays out in the future. The former can fill in income gaps as needed, while the latter has more growth potential.
How the Annuity Pays Out
You can choose how long your monthly payout should continue. Usually, payout terms can be 10 years, 20 years or for the rest of your life. You can also select an annuity that will continue to pay out as long as either you or your spouse is alive.
How You Want Your Annuity To Grow
If you’re concerned about protecting your principal, a fixed annuity may be a better choice. If you have a slightly higher tolerance for risk, you may prefer a variable annuity.
How You Want To Buy the Annuity
With a flexible premium annuity, you make several payments: one large lump sum to start, followed by multiple payments on your own schedule. You pay for a single premium annuity entirely with one premium.

Alternatives to Annuities

Buying an annuity is a personal choice and may not always be right for your personal needs and circumstances. Don’t hesitate to consult a financial professional for advice and information so you can decide if an annuity is right for you. There are also other annuity alternatives available to you.

Alternative Options
  • Bonds
  • Dividend-Paying Stocks
  • Real Estate
  • CDs
  • Money Market Accounts
  • Reverse Mortgages
  • Working Part-Time
  • Delaying Social Security
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Frequently Asked Questions About Investing In Annuities

Are annuities a good investment for retirees?
As they protect your principal and provide a guaranteed income, annuities can be excellent investments for retirees.
How much should you invest in an annuity?
The amount you invest in an annuity depends entirely on your capacity, goals and future needs. What may be too much for one individual could be insufficient for another.

Writer Ashley Donohoe contributed to this article. 


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Last Modified: March 7, 2025

4 Cited Research Articles

  1. Administration for Community Living. (2025, February 4). Who Needs Care? Retrieved from
  2. Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance. (2024, October). Consumer’s Guide to Understanding Annuities. Retrieved from
  3. Social Security Administration. (n.d.). Fact Sheet. Retrieved from
  4. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (n.d.). Annuities. Retrieved from