Understanding the Annuity Free Look Period

After you receive your annuity contract, you are entitled to a free look period or a timeframe that gives you the chance to terminate the contract with no penalty. It lasts at least 10 days and is a good opportunity to go over the contract, ask any questions and ensure that you are happy with your choice.

Christian Simmons, writer and researcher for RetireGuide
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  • Published: March 22, 2023
  • Updated: February 26, 2025
  • 6 min read time
  • This page features 2 Cited Research Articles
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APA Simmons, C. (2025, February 26). Understanding the Annuity Free Look Period. RetireGuide.com. Retrieved March 24, 2025, from https://www.retireguide.com/annuities/free-look-period/

MLA Simmons, Christian. "Understanding the Annuity Free Look Period." RetireGuide.com, 26 Feb 2025, https://www.retireguide.com/annuities/free-look-period/.

Chicago Simmons, Christian. "Understanding the Annuity Free Look Period." RetireGuide.com. Last modified February 26, 2025. https://www.retireguide.com/annuities/free-look-period/.

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Key Takeaways
  • The annuity free look period offers you a chance to review your pending annuity, get any questions answered and determine if you are happy with the final product.
  • You can walk away from the annuity during the free look period with no penalty and receive the premiums you paid without facing surrender charges.
  • The free look period lasts at least 10 days but may be longer depending on the state.

What Is the Annuity Free Look Period?

The annuity free look period is a final chance for you to make sure that you are happy with your new annuity and get any questions you have answered. Here’s what you need to know:

  • If, for any reason, you decide that you do not want to go through with purchasing the annuity, you can opt out of the contract during this period with no penalty. You will be refunded any premiums or fees that you paid into the annuity and will not face surrender charges.

The free look period will last at least 10 days, but the exact time varies from state to state. In some states, it could last as long as a month. Insurance companies can also opt to offer a period that is longer than the state-mandated minimum.

Annuities can be complex and may not allow you to readily access your investment. Take advantage of a free look period to thoroughly understand what you’re investing in. For states with longer free look periods, it’s possible that when interest rates are rapidly rising, a free look period may allow you to cancel an annuity and lock in at a higher rate being offered.
Toby Walters, CFA
Toby Walters Chartered Financial Analyst and Paraplanner

Things To Consider During the Free Look Period

The free look period gives you one last opportunity to review your annuity and be sure that you are happy with your purchase. There are several factors you should consider during this time.

What To Consider During the Free Look Period
  • Are you satisfied with how the contract turned out?
  • Are you certain you are ready to commit your money to this?
  • Are there better annuity options available?
  • Have you gotten all your questions answered?

Annuities can be complex products that come in many different forms and can include various riders. The free look period can give you some time to be certain that you are satisfied with the final version of your product.

This period also serves as an opportune time to go over the contract itself and be sure that there is nothing that you take issue with. If you determine that you are not happy with the contract or that the annuity did not turn out as you had hoped, you can cancel the annuity during the free look period without any penalties or fees.


Canceling an Annuity After the Free Look Period Ends

One reason the free look period is so advantageous to buyers is that canceling an annuity is not always easy or straightforward once the contract is signed and the period is over.

  • During the free look period, you can cancel without penalty and may also receive back any premiums you have already paid into the annuity. If you attempt to cancel an active contract, this may not be the case.
  • When you attempt to break an annuity contract by taking money out of it early, you will likely face surrender fees and charges. Typically, the penalty will be harsher the earlier you cancel the annuity. It may also be very difficult to cancel an annuity once it has annuitized and you are receiving set payments. You may not be able to cash out the principal.

Many of these potential pitfalls can be avoided by taking advantage of the free look period to ensure that you are not locking yourself into an annuity that you will not be happy with or that you may not be a suitable buyer for.


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State Requirements for Free Look Periods

The rules surrounding free look periods and other annuity topics are set at the state level, so the way the period works will depend on where you live.

  • Generally, you will have at least 10 days to look over your contract and cancel the annuity without penalty. However, some states require longer periods. Texas, for example, mandates a 20-day free look period. In other states, the period can last as long as 30 days.
  • Also, annuity providers also do not have to set their free look period at exactly the state requirement. It can be longer — but it can’t be shorter.

When looking for an annuity, it may make sense to ask potential providers about their free look period policies.

Annuity Free Look Period FAQs

Is the free look period the same for all types of annuities?
All annuities have a free look period, but the length of that period will vary. Requirements differ by state and by provider.
What happens if you cancel an annuity during the free look period?
If you opt to cancel your annuity during its free look period, then it is canceled without penalty. You can receive a refund of what you have paid into the annuity and will not be on the hook for surrender charges.
When does the annuity free look period begin and end?
The annuity free look period generally begins when you receive the contract for the annuity and will last for at least 10 days. It may last longer depending on the state you are in.

Editor Anna Baluch contributed to this article. 


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Last Modified: February 26, 2025

2 Cited Research Articles

  1. Texas Department of Insurance. (2023, March 21). Annuities Guide. Retrieved from https://www.tdi.texas.gov/pubs/consumer/cb078.html
  2. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (n.d.). Free Look Period. Retrieved from https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/free-look-period