Medicare’s Coverage of Respiratory Treatments

Medicare Part A and Part B, collectively called Original Medicare, will help pay for respiratory treatments and rehab for beneficiaries with moderate to severe pulmonary disease. Covered treatments may include oxygen therapy and lifestyle counseling. Medicare Advantage (Part C), an alternative to Original Medicare, could include extra coverage for medications and inhalers.

  • Written by
    Lindsey Crossmier

    Lindsey Crossmier

    Financial Writer

    Lindsey Crossmier is an accomplished writer with experience working for The Florida Review and Bookstar PR. As a financial writer, she covers Medicare, life insurance and dental insurance topics for RetireGuide. Research-based data drives her work.

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  • Edited By
    Savannah Pittle
    Savannah Pittle, senior financial editor for RetireGuide

    Savannah Pittle

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    Savannah Pittle is a professional writer and content editor with over 16 years of professional experience across multiple industries. She has ghostwritten for entrepreneurs and industry leaders and been published in mediums such as The Huffington Post, Southern Living and Interior Appeal Magazine.

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  • Published: March 25, 2022
  • Updated: December 19, 2024
  • 6 min read time
  • This page features 17 Cited Research Articles
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APA Crossmier, L. (2024, December 19). Medicare’s Coverage of Respiratory Treatments. Retrieved March 3, 2025, from

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Which Respiratory Treatments Does Medicare Cover?

Original Medicare covers pulmonary treatments for respiratory disorders such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

COPD is a group of disorders that cause breathing problems. Asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema are all diseases that fall under COPD. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep-related breathing disorder.

Medicare may cover respiratory therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy, and nebulizers to treat these disorders. You may also qualify for tobacco prevention counseling and sleep tests and devices through Medicare.

If you are between the ages of 50 and 77, asymptomatic and have smoked an average of one pack per day for 20 years, Medicare Part B will pay for a lung cancer screening with an order from your doctor. Medicare also covers two different pneumonia vaccines.

Medicare Coverage of Respiratory Therapy

For Original Medicare to cover your respiratory therapy sessions, your doctor must deem them medically necessary, and your doctor or respiratory therapist must document the sessions. The documentation must state that the services require the skills of a licensed respiratory therapist.

Part B will cover 80% of the approved treatment costs once you have met your deductible. In 2025 the Part B deductible is $257.

Respiratory Therapy Services Covered Under Medicare
Type of Respiratory Care Service
Application techniques to support oxygenation and ventilation in an acute illnessEstablish or maintain an artificial airway; ventilatory therapy; precise delivery of oxygen concentrations; help with removing secretions from pulmonary tree
Bronchial hygiene therapyDeep breathing and coughing exercises; intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB); postural drainage; chest percussion/vibration; nasotracheal/endotracheal suctioning
Diagnostic tests for evaluation by a physicianPulmonary function test (PFT); spirometry; blood gas analyses
Pulmonary rehabilitation techniquesExercise conditioning; breathing retraining; patient education

Covered respiratory services also include the therapeutic use and monitoring of medicinal gases, pharmacologically active mists and aerosols, and equipment like resuscitators and ventilators. Medicare may also pay for a periodic assessment to gauge the effectiveness of a patient’s respiratory therapy services.

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Medicare Coverage of Pulmonary Rehabilitation

If you have been diagnosed with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Medicare Part B will pay for a comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation program to help you breathe easier, regain your strength and live more freely.

You can receive rehab services in a doctor’s office or in a hospital outpatient facility. Your out-of-pocket costs will be different depending on the venue you choose.

If you get your rehab in a doctor’s office, Medicare will cover 80% of the approved amount. You will need to meet your Part B deductible before Medicare will pay its portion.
If you get your rehab in a hospital outpatient facility, you will owe your Part B deductible — if you haven’t paid it already — the 20% Medicare doesn’t cover and a hospital copayment per session.

Important Update
As of Jan. 1, 2022, you can also receive pulmonary rehabilitation under your Original Medicare plan if you've had confirmed or suspected COVID-19 and experience persistent symptoms that include respiratory dysfunction for at least four weeks.

Medicare will pay for up to two 60-minute sessions per day, for a maximum of 36 sessions over 36 weeks. If your condition is severe, your doctor could approve you for up to 72 sessions.

The doctor who treats your respiratory disease will need to provide a referral for pulmonary rehabilitation for Medicare to cover it.

Medicare Coverage of Respiratory Medications, Inhalers and Nebulizers

If your doctor prescribes a nebulizer for use in your home, Medicare Part B will help cover the cost of the nebulizer as DME.

Original Medicare does not pay for most outpatient prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications. But Medicare Part B will pay for some medicines used in nebulizers.

For example, if you have asthma or emphysema, Medicare will pay for albuterol, a drug commonly used with a nebulizer.

Part D, which is optional coverage you can buy separately from Parts A and B, typically covers pulmonary treatment medications, such as bronchodilator inhalers or antibiotics.

Medicare Coverage of Oxygen Equipment and Accessories

If your doctor prescribes oxygen equipment and accessories for use in your home, Medicare Part B will help pay for you to rent the necessary items as durable medical equipment, or DME.

Once you’ve met your Part B deductible, you will owe only 20% of the Medicare-approved amount; Medicare will take care of the rest of the cost.

As long as you have a medical need for oxygen and have Medicare, your supplier must provide equipment and supplies for up to five years.

Your monthly rental payments will cover your:
  • Oxygen equipment
  • Oxygen contents
  • Oxygen machine maintenance, servicing and repairs
  • Tubing or mouthpiece

You have the option to own your own equipment, but you must meet certain conditions for Medicare to help pay for systems that provide oxygen, containers that store oxygen, and tubing and related supplies.

Your doctor must say that you either have a severe lung disease or aren’t getting enough oxygen and that you might get better with oxygen therapy. Your arterial blood gas level must fall within a certain range, and you must have tried other remedies but failed to improve.


Medicare may also pay for a humidifier when it’s used with your oxygen machine.

Although Medicare doesn’t usually cover humidifiers, it will cover oxygen humidifiers when used with certain covered DME, such as CPAP devices, respiratory devices or oxygen equipment.

Did You Know?
Usually, Medicare beneficiaries pay 100% for humidifiers, room heaters, dehumidifiers or electric air cleaners. But Medicare will pay 80% of the approved amount to buy or rent a humidifier if it’s used with a respiratory assist device or a CPAP device.
Source: CMS

In fact, your monthly fee for your oxygen equipment will include the cost of an oxygen humidifier if it’s medically necessary.

Medicare's Coverage of Postural Drainage and Respiratory Exercises

Medicare will pay for postural drainage procedures and pulmonary exercises when provided by a physical therapist or a respiratory therapist as part of your physician’s treatment plan.

Postural drainage is an exercise that can help drain fluid and mucus from your lungs if you have a condition such as pulmonary edema, or lung congestion.

This treatment is 80% covered once you meet your Part B deductible. If your lungs are swollen and breathing is painful, this exercise could ease your discomfort.

Other pulmonary exercises include different types of breathing such as deep breathing, pursed lip and diaphragmatic. A medical professional can teach you how to do these breathing exercises properly.

Last Modified: December 19, 2024

17 Cited Research Articles

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